Archive for category: Features

A Friend In Deed

A Friend In Deed

As the Cathedral caretaker explained the impact the occupation was having to the gathered crowd, he was on the verge of tears. We were, he said, disrupting a number of plans and activities that normally took place, including a children’s fair and a wedding complete with horse and carriage. Such […]

Faith And Finance

Faith And Finance

The Occupy London movement is directed against the proverbial “one percent” – not against St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is directed against the disproportionate concentration of wealth and power at the expense of the many. Bearing this in mind, here are 7 of the 10 trustees of St Paul’s Cathedral Foundation, […]

Past Tents: A Brief History of Protest Camping

Past Tents: A Brief History of Protest Camping

The year 2011 has seen a blossoming of protest camping. First there was the tented city in Egypt’s Tahrir Square, then the Indignados in Spain, then the youth protests in Israel, then Occupy Wall Street in the USA. Now in as many as 950 towns and cities across the world […]

Why I Hate Samba

Why I Hate Samba

I have a confession. I don’t like samba. OK, that’s not quite true. I often enjoy it. It’s cheering. But I have a political objection. But that’s probably not where I should start. Perhaps more to the point, I don’t like dressing up on protests. If I am going on […]

Why Occupy?

Why Occupy?

Right now the world is being asked to occupy as many financial institutions as possible; in every city, in every country. But why?Perhaps because so-called ‘austerity measures’ are being forced upon us all, supposedly so governments can pay back the astronomical debts that the richest people and institutions have accrued […]

Occupational Therapy

It’s a strange feeling, sitting in the heart of London at four in the morning listening to well-mannered educated people discussing rationally the problems of the world and the ways things could be changed. No one expects things would change overnight – but they do expect to engage ordinary people […]