Asking the Occupiers: What Would You Do in the Event of an Eviction?

January 22, 2012

NANCY, 33: “We would like to see the camp continue but in the event we get evicted I don’t plan on resisting. I will move peacefully to another location.”

DAVID, 20: “I don’t know yet. I’ll react as things evolve when the day comes.”

ANDREA, 40: “I’ve seen how things got really bad in Athens. I would not like to see that here and I don’t believe that’s going to be the case. I’m sure the police will be much nicer, but I’m planning on resisting peacefully.”

ROY, 28: “We have a working group in place to discuss logistics. It’s really important to try and save as much as we can from the equipment we have here [at St.Paul’s]. I would hate to see all this gone to waste.”

SIMON, 27: “I plan on staying here no matter what.”

PETRA, 21: “I’m not camping here, but I’ll keep myself updated and if the day comes I’ll be coming here to show my support in a peaceful way.”

SHAWN: “I come from Cardiff where our occupation got evicted pretty quick. With that in mind I’ll try to save as much as I can from the materials gathered here for past few months.”

NIRAJH: “I’ll be playing my banjo while this is happening. Someone needs to sing when the ship sinks.”

JENNY: “Prepare for the worst but hope for the best.”


By Mircea Barbu