Occupational Therapy

October 26, 2011
It’s a strange feeling, sitting in the heart of London at four in the morning listening to well-mannered educated people discussing rationally the problems of the world and the ways things could be changed. No one expects things would change overnight – but they do expect to engage ordinary people from all walks of life in a bid to change the world.
A radical idea, some would think – but engaging people in this way has resulted in some of the most fundamental changes in our social history. Votes for women, pay equality and pulling cruise missiles out of Greenham Common, to name a few. These were long, protracted campaigns that started with a small group of people.
I won’t impress on you my own feelings about Occupy London – but I what I will tell you is that when I left the camp in the early hours of Monday morning, I took with me a single, simple thought: our children are not an insurance policy to levy future debts on – not for banks, nor governments, nor anyone else.
By Matthew Myatt